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January 2018
7 Simple Steps to Get the Publicity You Deserve
The reality is, public relations is probably the most underutilized and underappreciated way of marketing any business, product or service, yet when used consistently, it can bring huge rewards to businesses and organizations of all sizes. PR is the least expensive, least risky and most effective tactic you can master to spread your message. So what's the hold up? When we hear people say they want media coverage and that they know it will lead to new clients and bigger opportunities, they turn down the idea of PR and say they will be ready for a PR campaign "next year," or they want to re-do their website and finish X, Y or Z first. read full article >>
December 2017
Master The 80/20 Rule
As a small business owner, it's critical to pinpoint the areas that will increase your revenue and profits. The easiest way to define that sweet spot is by following the Pareto Principle. Developed by Italian economist and sociologist Vilfredo Pareto, his original observation was in connection with income and wealth. Pareto noticed that 80% of Italy's wealth was owned by 20% of the population. The Pareto Principle, more commonly known as the 80/20 Rule, states that read full article >>
April 1, 2008
Guerrilla Marketing In Tough Times Shows Small Business Owners Recession-Proof Strategies
Beginning Tuesday, April 8, Jay Conrad Levinson, the Father of Guerrilla Marketing, and Mitch Meyerson, the Founder of Guerrilla Marketing Coaching, will host an intensive eight-week crash course for small business owners facing tough economic times. Guerrilla Marketing in Tough Times features eight one-hour, interactive teleclasses with Levinson and Meyerson and eight one-hour, interactive coaching sessions with Certified Guerrilla Marketing Coaches. read full article >>
January 9, 2008
Guerrilla Marketing Bootcamp Slated for Small Business Owners Who Want More Success
Certified Marketing Coaches Holly George and Leslie Hamp today announced a 2-hour Guerrilla Marketing teleseminar on Wednesday, January 16, 2008, for small business owners who want to significantly improve business and marketing success. read full article >>
June 26, 2007
Certified Guerrilla Marketing Coaches Launch New 4-Week Branding Teleseminar
Certified Guerrilla Marketing Coaches Holly George and Leslie Hamp today announced a 4-week teleseminar for small business owners who want to create an unmistakable brand identity to significantly improve business and marketing success. Minneapolis, MN (PRWEB) June 26, 2007 -- Holly George and Leslie Hamp, co-founders of, today announced a 4-week teleseminar for small business owners around the world who want to significantly increase business and marketing success. "Create Your Ultimate Branding Plan" is a 4-session teleseminar beginning Wednesday, July 11 at noon Eastern time. In four, focused sessions meeting on consecutive Wednesdays through August 1, small business owners will master the one, fundamental aspect of business growth: Branding.
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May 2007
Meyerson Launches 21st Guerrilla Marketing Coach Certification Program
Scottsdale, AZ (PRWEB) May 21, 2007 -- Mitch Meyerson, Founder of the Guerrilla Marketing Coach, today announced a new certification class will be launched on Tuesday, May 22, 2007. Based on the best selling marketing book series developed by Jay Conrad Levinson, the 12-week GMC certification program focuses on low cost, high impact guerrilla marketing tactics combined with coaching strategies to help small business owners break through barriers that limit business success.
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May 2007
Holly George Joins Ranks of Jay Conrad Levinson's Certified Guerrilla Marketing Coaches
Minneapolis, Minn. 5/22/2007 3:00 PM GMT (TransWorldNews) Holly George, co-founder of, a strategic business and marketing firm with offices in Minneapolis and Ashland and Mellen, Wis., has joined the ranks of an elite group of 190 Certified Guerrilla Marketing Coaches worldwide.
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February 2007
New Radio Program Reveals Proven Marketing Tactics for Small Business Owners
Entrepreneurs wanting to cut through the clutter to master proven tactics to turn ideas into profits will discover answers to their questions and solutions to their problems on the new Fast Track to Marketing Mastery™ radio show on Internet Voice of America every Thursday at noon EST. Tune in as Certified Marketing Spitfires Holly George and Leslie Hamp share time-tested, proven marketing strategies.
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January 2007
Big Buzz Teleseminar Shows Small Business Owners How to Get Noticed Fast
Marketing experts Holly George and Leslie Hamp will show small business owners how to create hyper-effective and professional campaigns around a big buzz idea that drives business and marketing success for years to come. Register for the free 60-minute teleseminar at
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October 2006
Proven Marketing Tactics Revealed in New How-To Program
As more baby boomers throw their hats into the entrepreneurial ring and quickly discover that business success is much more difficult to achieve than they anticipated, many are turning to experts for proven marketing tactics. That’s why Holly George and Leslie Hamp, co-founders of, created a new, how-to program that spills lucrative secrets they’ve used to bring success to small and medium business owners alike.
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October 2006
Marketing Experts Share Business Success Secrets at Women's Marketing Telesummit
Award-winning marketing experts Holly George and Leslie Hamp, co-founders of, will share business success secrets at a virtual conference to women business owners around the globe from October 18-20, 2006.
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March 2005
Market Like A Guerrilla
Guerrilla marketing: unconventional marketing intended to get maximum results from minimal resources. Jay Conrad Levinson coined this definition way back in the 1980s for the philosophy and tactics he’s developed to give small businesses their first marketing tool for standing out against bigger, better financed competitors. Three decades later, guerrilla marketing is a tactic small business owners must embrace to survive.
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