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About Holly George & The Spitfires

We’re a team of creative, energetic, collaborative marketing experts with a passion to help you grow business and move your sales needle up. We’re seasoned and strategic spitfires who know that if you have the right attitude, the right strategies, and the right projections... growing business can be fast and fun. We love what we do. And we're out to help like-minded spitfires drive sales to brag about.

Collaborate to grow your business with the best!

Click here for upcoming projects.

Click here for a partial list of our clients.

Holly George Holly George, Founder

As founder of Spitfire Promotion Group and the Certified Marketing Spitfire™ program, Holly brings a wealth of marketing and advertising experience to the table. A big picture strategist and master collaborator, Holly is constantly brainstorming the next big promotions. You can almost hear the "a-ha!" each time she cracks client challenges, crunches numbers, and innovates customized paths to ensure success.

Holly's fast and furious style was unleashed at a big agency in Minneapolis where she led domestic and international multimedia advertising campaigns. Always charged by big ideas and turning them into profit, Holly led two creative teams to National Advertising Federation awards for excellence in creative execution and increased revenue - and won several regional honors. She has launched and grown 2 successful marketing-related businesses well over the $1 million mark, but she is most proud of working with her passionate group of collaborating spitfires!

Holly holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Journalism-Advertising from the University of Kansas, is a Certified Guerrilla Marketing Coach, international speaker, media guest expert, serves on the USA Today Small Business Panel, and is the go-to marketing expert at

Holly is a gourmet cook and busy mom juggling 4 kids, a husband, and lots of travel. Add a thriving business, a drive for excellence and a good soy latte, and you get a sense of her high-energy life.

Jay Picture

Jay Conrad Levinson, the Father of Guerrilla Marketing,
had this to say:

"Certified Guerrilla Marketer Holly George tells it all, makes it all clear, and provides the step-by-step instruction every entrepreneur and small business owner needs to hear. She methodically shares proven income-boosting methods, explains clear actionable strategies, and provides a solid measurable system for attaining big results. Working with her will be one of your more profitable actions this year."

~ Jay Conrad Levinson, the Father of Guerrilla Marketing, Author, "Guerrilla Marketing" series of books - over 14 million sold

Fast Track Group

"Holly is an extraordinary marketer. She is experienced, savvy and a joy to work with. If you are looking for real results, I highly recommend you contact her."

~ Mitch Meyerson, President of Guerrilla Marketing Coach

Fast Track Group CMSLogo
Alex Stone,
Certified Marketing Spitfire™
United Kingdom

Holly knew when she met Alex that she'd be an ideal Certified Marketing Spitfire™. Energetic, big picture, and a rapid responder, Alex exudes passion and experience thanks to former work as a newspaper editor, journalist and marketing consultant. Add the intense Certified Marketing Spitfire™ training and you have a United Kingdom spitfire who is at ease working with clients from her own country or well beyond the UK borders. To find out more and to begin working with Alex, click here now.

Fast Track Group CMSLogo
Megan Kline,
CSEP & Certified Marketing Spitfire™
to the Special Event Professional
New Jersey, USA

Holly loves Megan's "can-do" attitude and the fact that she jumps in with both feet. You will, too! As a business owner and entrepreneur since 2002, Megan brings unique insight and knowledge to building a successful event industry business and following your passion. She specializes in small business and entrepreneurial marketing coaching for those passionate about their event-related business and life. She has successfully turned her passions into profitable businesses twice, and she now focuses on other business owners to become even more successful. To find out more and to begin working with Megan, click here now.

Fast Track Group

"So many marketing 'experts' teach you THEIR way to success. Holly's Group shows you YOUR way. Such a difference! I could tell right away that their experience put them heads and shoulders above anybody we've worked with. Here's an example... Media reps walk in my door just about every day with 'the best deal ever.' I never knew if these deals were good, bad or really bad. After just 3 sessions, I was able to assess whether a proposal was right for me... and cut my spending in half with better results! I did it all using my new media buying terms and numbers logic. It's funny how reps enter my door with only aggressive proposals that make sense for me now!"

~ Kip Hirschbach,

Louisa Picture

"Holly is fabulous, and this was abundantly clear
in her presentations and contributions to the Women's Marketing Telesummit.
Her significant experience and knowledge is an awesome combination, and her
highly motivating and informative sessions were filled with positive energy,
practical ideas and concrete tools that attendees were able to take away
with them straight away
to start creating positive results in their businesses."

~ Louisa Bird, Women's Marketing Forum, London, UK

Collaborate to grow your business with the best!

Click here for upcoming projects.

Click here for a partial list of our clients.

Want to become a Certified Marketing Spitfire™?

You can rebrand your business and join our high-energy team. Click here to find out more or email us now.

Delivering results since 1994 with expert branding & guerrilla marketing strategies. © 2023 By George Marketing, LLC